Saturday, March 19, 2011

I can't imagine....

...never having had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

...not liking pancakes

..not thinking waffles are breakfast food

...never having had a cup cake

...not knowing who Betty White is

...never having watched the Cosby show

...not knowing if cheerleaders really exist or if they are just in the movies

...never having experienced friday night football

...never having been on a hayride

I LOVE this county and I LOVE this culture...but I sure am proud to be an American!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I've learned today...

French high school kids...are annoying.

I know they understand me, yet they act like they don't.

They know if they pretend to not understand you, that you can't do anything about it.

Until you call them out in French, they realize you speak it, and realize they can't act dumb anymore.

Then you tell them, if you want to ignore me, ignore me. I'm not the one who needs to learn english. I'm not the one who has to take a test in two months that I have to pass to finish high school.

Work at McDonalds...see if I care...just STOP TALKING!!!!

Ils font chier. Sans doute.

Just a little annoyed today!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Ok I know this is a little late, but better late than never right?? I know all you've heard about my trip to Barcelona was the bed bug fiasco, but we actually had a blast!!

We literally decided to go to Barcelona on a Wednesday, and we left that friday!! It was definitely a random quick decision, but we were so glad we went!

The weather was perfect, and we were just happy to be somewhere where it wasn't cold and rainy!

 I feel like we did nothing but walk....which is probably a good thing, because we also did nothing but eat! But if you're eating while you're walking, it cancels out right? 
One of the first nights we were there, we passed this never-ending sushi buffet thing, and decided to try it one night. In theory, its a good idea, but what we learned is NEVER go to a never-ending sushi buffet when you are STARVING. I don't think either of us had ever eaten that much, and after that we were soooo sick!!!

So we had a great trip,  met some interesting characters...and yes even got bed begs and screamed at the Spanish people who were pretending not to understand us. I don't think its a trip either of us will soon forget!!!

As promised!!

So I know my blogging habits have been well...non-existant. But I'm going to blame that on the fact that my internet has been so unreliable! Okay? Okay :) Soooo what I'm going to do (now that's its working of course) is start blogging again! YAY! And seeing as I haven't blogged since OCTOBER...where does the time go?!?! I'm going to do some retro-active blogs...sound good to you? Good :) But first, here's what's going on at the moment!!

What's going on, in a nutshell:

-Right now, all is well!

-The weather is amazing, its like spring has come early!

-Work is going good--all 12 hours of it a week :)

-I leave for Rome on Friday (insert squeal of excitement)

And that's about all there is right now :) I'm just drinking a lot of coffee, eating lots of galettes, and enjoying the beautiful weather!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


So I don´t know why, but it seems like everytime I blog its in the middle of the night! Tonight tough, I have an excuse for being up so late...but let´s back track a little bit! Our schools are on vacation, so me and a friend decided to take advantage of the break and take a trip! So last tuesday, we arrived in Barcelona, and it´s been an awesome trip! Barcelona is definitely unlike anywhere I´ve ever been! It´s a beautiful city, and the weather was around 70 degrees everyday! There is a main tourist-y street called Las Ramblas, and you can see just about anything when you are walking up and down it! There are bums selling beer and weird whistle things, there are guys trying to sell light up toys...and about every 10 feet there is some type of human statue, or people pretending to be babies, or a guy covered in flowers...haha they are all just trying to get you to give them money to take a picture of them! (pictures to come...;) ) anyway, we basically walked ALL week. We also didn´t really sleep too well, because we were staying in hostels, so there was always lots of noise and such. Anyway the point is, it was an amazing week, but I am completely exausted. SO, tonight the hostel we booked is close to the airport, because our plane leaves at 8 so we thought it would be a good idea to be close...(the airport is about 30 mins from town) So we take a bus to the airport, then take a cab to the hostel where we are staying. Well, the cab driver didn´t know where the hostel was, and he couldn´t seem to locate the address on the GPS. He finally asks someone, and we make it to this place. It´s basically the creepiest place ever, in a super shady part of town. The reason it´s so strange though, is because it´s HUGE, and looks really nice, but there are literally no people here! We were just excited to get here though, because we were ready for a good nights sleep! So knowing we have to get up at 5 am, we go to bed at about 10...about 30 minutes later, I start feeling like something is crawling on me. At this point I´m like half asleep, so I just assume its my imagination and try to go back to sleep. I toss and turn for a few minutes, then I realize that it is NOT my imaginating, and something is biting me, like, a lot. I reached up and turned on the light by the bed...and there they were. The bugs. Not one. Not two. There were bugs everywhere. I jumped out of bed and ran and turned the overhead lights on and go back and look in my bed. I saw the last thing you ever want to see in a bed you were just laying was disgusting. There were big ones, small was like a little bed bug community. So at this point I´m totally freaked out. I´m trying to shake out my clothes and hair (I´m convinced they are all over me...) After I calmed down a bit, we decided we were going to go down to the front desk, get our money back, and leave. Well...problem. The man at the front desk doesn´t speak a lick of english...and unfortunately, we don´t speak spanish. After much confusion, we finally get him to realize what is wrong, and he tells us there is nothing he can do about it, and the ladies that can help us will be back at 7 am. Awesome. So now we can´t go back to our room, we can´t leave...and we can´t believe this is happening! All we wanted was a good nights sleep! So now we are in the library, and Elizabeth is alseep on a desk. I tried to lay down and go to sleep but I couldn´t. And it wasn´t the cold hard desk, or the fact that its like 20 degrees, or the bright I´m pretty sure as tired as I am I could have slept in those conditions. What was keeping me awake was the fact that everytime I started to fall asleep, I keep feeling like I had bugs on me! So now it´s 4 am...I don´t foresee sleep anytime in my near future, and I have to get on a plane at 8 am...needless to say, I think it´s going to be a long day...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

oh France...

There are strikes going on in France right now, its about the government and the fact that they are trying to change the retirement age from 60 to 62. Anyway, that's not out of the ordinary, in France, if you have an opinion about something, you strike. But today, I woke up to loud shouting and horns honking...and I thought, that's strange, what's going on? So I looked out my window, and it was high school kids, congregating in the streets and blocking the cars and shouting at them in unison! High school kids!
So anyway, jump to this afternoon ...I am in class and we are talking about some differences between France and America. One of the students told me that about once a year, high school kids will be striking about something, and they will LOCK the high school, not let anyone in and the teachers don't do anything about it! They are so worried about conflict that they just wait "until it passes" So school and everything stops for weeks because someone is trying to make a point. When I told them that if that happened in the states, the students who locked themselves in would most likely be arrested, they couldn't believe it. The other teacher said that if a student in France got arrested for something like that there would be a revolution! I'm all for freedom of speech, but I think letting students get away with stuff like that only on the basis of fear of conflict is a little much. But if we all did things the same way, it would be pretty boring huh?